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I’ve been called The Spartan for over a decade

I used to be fat, broke, insecure and I hated who I was.

Over 15 years ago I was given less than 9 months to live, because of Stage 3B Non Hodgkins Lymphoma…

This entire site is designed around everything that I’ve learned over a decade of coming from the very bottom to becoming the most elite version of myself.

When that happened…I gave up.

I started to get really sick.
I got angry and bitter.
I blamed everyone else.
Nobody wanted to be around me.

I lost all of my money, and lived in my car for four months stealing food at grocery stores to survive.

I lost all of my friends. I had no job and came down to the point where suicide was what I thought was my only option.

I lost myself to massive debt, drugs and self pity and bitterness…

I had nothing left.

Worst sales pitch ever, and it’s the truth.

I’m not trying to tell you this glamor story about how magically everything worked out by reading books and watching self-help videos and thinking about unicorns and butterflies.

I changed my life and started stacking win after win by making the damn decision to be someone different, to do something different and to lock on until I nailed it.

I have no mysterious secret.

It was hard AF.
I wanted to quit hundreds of times.
I cried.
I bled.
I was angry

I spent every hour obsessed about my goals.

And I hit every one of them, all WHILE going to war with a disease that was trying to kill me.

All because…




I used to spend my entire time awake, scrambling to escape the fear and insecurity that I lived in. I would do everything possible to cover up my pain. I would drink, I would do drugs, I would spend money until I was broke, I would chase sex, money, and every excuse I could think of to AVOID MYSELF IN THE MIRROR. Every day I’d lie to myself and then try to cover it up with phony behaviors and actions even though I knew that I was a fraud.

I got so low that I tried to take my own life, TWICE.

I lived in a nightmare, where I would think about everything that I wanted, and then think of everything that truly needed to occur in order for that to happen. I would become so overwhelmed at the volume of actions that had to happen, and everything that I didn’t know how to do, that I’d go right back to trying to bury the pain and lack of decision. I was a f**king coward and I knew it.

I was terrified that cancer was going to kill me, and didn’t want to waste the precious time that I had, and yet I spent my days in time wasting actions that left me bitter and further away from where I wanted to be in life.

I was fat and weak, and jumped from workout program to workout program, anything I could get for free. I had a terrible diet, and didn’t know anything about how to get to where I wanted to be.

I was embarrassed at who I was, but I didn’t do a damn thing about it.

I felt helpless
I was broke
I was fat
I was weak
I was alone
And I was getting worse


I hit rock bottom and I finally made a REAL decision.

I took control of MYSELF.

And it started with my body.
I realized that if I couldn’t control my own fitness, my own f**king body, then I couldn’t control anything else in my life either.

I rebuilt EVERYTHING in my life.

My mental fitness
My relationship fitness
My financial fitness
And I turned my body into a shredded BEAST.

I would workout no matter how I felt.
I would workout after chemotherapy.
I would workout in the middle of the night.
I would workout once a day no matter what.
I would do whatever it took to get stronger and more fit.

I made my body my PRIORITY.

REAL TALK: You’re gonna die!

So what the hell are you waiting for?

You Either WANT IT

Or you’re going to keep making excuses and run out of time.

You control where you’re at, period. Any other explanation is an excuse.

My wife and I own 4 companies (this one being one of them).

We have two savage children.

We have stress, bills, deadlines, homework, housework, staff work, groceries, aches and pains, sleepless nights, and everything else.

We’ve gone through just about every fitness program that exists.

And we walk the talk…just look at us.


I’m 51 and my wife is 45 and we live an EPIC LIFE and look like fitness models, because we make what we want a priority.

Our clients are celebrities, professional athletes, CEOs, dads, your neighbor and anyone else that COMMITS.

We don’t pull any punches when it comes to our coaching because it’s all about results, and we keep our standards extremely high.


I’m 51 and my wife is 45 and we live an EPIC LIFE and look like fitness models, because we make what we want a priority.

Our clients are celebrities, professional athletes, CEOs, dads, your neighbor and anyone else that COMMITS.

We don’t pull any punches when it comes to our coaching because it’s all about results, and we keep our standards extremely high.


If it feels like it’s becoming more hopeless and overwhelming by the day, how do you think it’s going to feel tomorrow?

Your body will stay the same until YOU DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

Your life will stay the same until YOU DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

You are where you are l, doing what you are doing l, living like you’re living…and look the way that you look because of the actions that you’ve taken or failed to take.


But it sure as hell is your fault if you stay there.

I went from this to this person!

Because I did three things:

I asked and paid a coach and mentor for help.

I listened to what they said and did everything they told me to do.

I made my body and health my number one priority.

If you have that fire in your belly to stop being a little itchbay and do whatever it takes to change, then we can help you, RIGHT NOW.

Neither one of us has any ‘extra time’ which means you’re ALL IN once you join our team.


This isn’t a fitness program, This is a Community to change your LIFE


Thank you to everyone who is working everyday to become the best version of themselves, it’s truly the greatest gift we can all give each other. You are greatly appreciated!!!

If you’re looking for more guidance and help you can either: